Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sleepless Night Blogging

When im sleepy, i get aggrivated. Nothing aggrivates me more than not going to sleep when i want to. Like right now i want to go to bed but i cant because not only i got this blog to do but i have maggie on the phone annoying me. I was dozing off until i remembered i had a blog and im dozing off now but still layed down stuff doing a blog about me doing a blog. If it wasn't for maggie waking me up i probably wouldve had a zero. But i still want to sleep though i been working out all week and i just couldn't wait for this day to come but once again im stuck writing a blog thats due before 11:59pm. Wish i could pay someone to write stuff like this. I just want to go to sleep. Good thing we dont have school. This is so aggrivating irs like i want to just go to sleep but got to remember there must be 250 words on this blog. Im complaining to much oh well i think im done. Hopefully this 250 words because im not counting these words to check but i got a good feeling it is. To bed i go.


  1. Maybe you shouldn't write this at the last moment right before going to sleep. Other people can read this blog, so you should write something for people to read. You should also capitalize the first letter of sentences and the word I. Think before you type please.

  2. i like that you express your feelings. you should tell her how you feel about that. you should be more expressive with your girl.i think you should get more sleep instead of playing nba 2k15.. also tell your girl to go to sleep because she have school also.
